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I taught a Disaster Preparedness Class this past weekend for 35 people. I ended with this from Matthew 25:1-13, spoken by Jesus.

“Then the kingdom of heaven will be comparable to ten virgins, who took their lamps, and went out to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were foolish, and five were prudent. For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them, but the prudent took oil in flasks along with their lamps. Now while the bridegroom was delaying, they all got drowsy and began to sleep. But at midnight there was a shout, ‘Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.’ Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the prudent, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ But the prudent answered , saying, ‘No, there will not be enough for us and you too, go instead to the dealers and buy some for yourselves.’ And while they were going away to make the purchase, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding feast; and the door was shut. And later the other virgins also came, saying. ‘Lord, lord, open up for us.’ But he answered and said, ‘Truly I say to you, I do not know you.’ Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour.

Salvation or the Alternative?


We never know when the next disaster is going to happen. We never know when our life will end here on earth. Make sure you are spiritually ready. God gives each of us a clear choice.

One Day Basic Survival Course

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How to survive being lost or stranded in a wilderness environment.

June 16, 2018Time: 11:00 AM- 5:30 PM
Cost: $25.00 per adult 18 or older
$15.00 children 12-17
Any children under 12 are free
All children, those under 18, must be accompanied by an adult.
Location: Guemes Island, just a short ferry ride from Anacortes, WA. You would need to be on the 10:45 ferry.
Come prepared as you would for a day hike. Bring your own supplies including a compass. Make sure you have a lunch or snacks.
All classes are outdoors, so dress for the weather.
No firearms, drugs or alcohol permitted.
To ask questions or register e-mail wildernessurvivalskills@gmail.com, or respond to this post. We will provide more detailed directions then.

Thanks and enjoy the outdoors safely!

Wilderness Navigation Class

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June 9, 2018. 11:00 A.M. – 2:30 P.M.
Come learn how to use a compass and a topographic map.
Cost- $15.00 per adult, 18 or older
$ 10.00 per child ages 12-17
No charge for children under 12.
All persons under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
This class is held outdoors in a wilderness environment, so come prepared for the weather and as you would for a day hike. Bring your own food or drinks and supplies that you wish to have with you. Bring your own compass if you have one!
Location: 7093 West Shore Dr. Guemes Island
No firearms, alcohol or drugs permitted.
To register- respond to this notice; or call 360-659-0222 or 360-631-6900

One Day Survival Class- How to Survive being Lost or Stranded in a Wilderness Environment

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Dates offered: Saturdays May 5 and 19, 2018
Time: 11:00 AM- 5:30 PM
Cost: $25.00 per adult 18 or older
$15.00 children 12-17
Any children under 12 are free
All children, those under 18, must be accompanied by an adult.
Location: Guemes Island, just a short ferry ride from Anacortes, WA. You would need to be on the 10:45 ferry.
Come prepared as you would for a day hike. Bring your own supplies including a compass. Make sure you have a lunch or snacks.
All classes are outdoors, so dress for the weather.
No firearms, drugs or alcohol permitted.
To ask questions or register e-mail wildernessurvivalskills@gmail.com, or respond to this post. We will provide more detailed directions then.

Thanks and enjoy the outdoors safely!

Course Descriptions

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The courses and classes are available for all ages, but anyone under eighteen years old must be accompanied by a paying adult. The classes can be designed to meet the needs of special groups, such as Scouts, employees, home school groups, women only, youth groups, churches, etc. The courses are structured to build and enhance your survival skills. The BASIC Courses start with the assumption that the students have very limited survival knowledge,  skills or experience. The other courses continue to build the students store of survival knowledge, and to increase their abilities and confidence.

All classes are held outdoors, so dress according to the weather, come prepared as you would for a day hike. Further instructions for each course are outlined in the following course descriptions. If you desire more information, or wish to register, or  give someone else the gift of knowledge with a gift certificate. Please  comment on this site or e-mail wildernessurvivalskills@gmail.com


This course is designed for both the inexperienced and experienced hikers, backpackers, boaters, fishermen, hunters or anyone who spends time in wilderness areas. The information that is presented in these classes can become invaluable and life saving for anyone who suddenly becomes injured, lost, or stranded in some wilderness area. This training can be applicable in any out of the way area such as the ravine a half mile from your house that you are trapped in due to a car accident. Knowledge is the key to survival, and the information provided here is to help keep you alive until you are rescued. If rescuers do not arrive, this course will help you get yourself out. During some future event, or disaster, your knowledge gained from these classes could help someone else. But the knowledge is only retained with practice. If you don’t use it, then you lose it. My goal is to pass on my knowledge to my students, what you do with it is up to you.

The BASIC 1 & 2 course is a one day course, but the length of the day varies.  The amount of classes covered  determines if the students receive BASIC 1 & 2 training or only BASIC 1. BASIC 1 has a course length of five hours. BASIC 1 & 2 combined totals eight plus hours.  Some people can only absorb five hours, while others say eight hours are not enough. I enjoy teaching the combined course because I get to pass on to the students a lot more  information. I always feel like there is never enough class time to cover everything.

BASIC 1 & 2 (BASIC 2 classes are followed by an asterisk *)

  1. Trip planning  ( Don’t leave home without it. )
  2.  Survival kits
  3.  First aid kits
  4.  Lost , Stranded, Found
  5.  Wilderness navigation (map and compass) coverage varies in 1 & 2
  6.  Situational awareness
  7.  Shelters- finding or building
  8.  Finding and purifying water
  9.  Fire building safety and usage
  10.  Edible plants *
  11.  Poisonous plants  &  Medicinal  Plants *
  12.  Obtaining food  ( Foraging )
  13.  Snares, deadfalls, and traps *
  14.  Wilderness dangers *
  15.  Dangerous wildlife *
  16.  Children in the wilderness *
  17. Shoreline  Survival *
  18. Lost  Person  Behavior *
  19. Natural  Navigation
  20. Tool  Making *

All classes are covered in more depth and in greater detail with more individual hands on experience as time permits.

The above classes are all tentative and subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.

To  register to attend  call   360 631 6900 or  360 659 0222. Please leave a message.


I also offer Disaster Preparedness classes that can be scheduled at your location,business,church,or other locations.Please call 360 659 0222 for more information.


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To all of the people who have attended any of my survival or disaster preparedness, or outdoor education classes, or who read this blog, I wish to give you the following message. After you read this message, how you respond to the message will be your choice. Please read the whole message.

My wife and I took a three and a half week long exploration trip this spring through southern Idaho, most of Utah and the eastern desert areas of Oregon. We had been planning this trip for five years. My personal goal was to explore the nature, wildlife, climate and Native American heritage of these areas and to practice  and learn the survival skills that would be needed in these areas as opposed to what I use and teach in Washington state.

The trip was a great success, I did a lot of driving and we saw how beautiful our world is outside of the populated, paved over and polluted areas around the large cities and the inter-state highway system. Rural America has a lot of value that we are losing because of our lifestyle.

We visited several Native American museums and heritage sites such as Hovenweep and a few Anasazi village sites where large populations at one time lived. Now they are abandoned ruins and nobody knows why the people left them or what happened to them. There are several theories, but no one really knows. Climate change is one of them. Today we are constantly being told about global warming and the world wide disasters that are about to happen. In my lifetime they were predicting a new ice-age, Y-2K and now global warming. In school I was taught that they have found fossils of palm trees and tropical plants and animals in Antarctica and above the Arctic tree line. If you visit the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument in eastern Oregon today, they have museum displays and fossils that show that in the past the climate there was similar to today’s climate of Louisiana. What is really the truth? What really happened to the Mayans, or the Incas, or the Egyptian pyramid builders? What really happened to cause past civilizations to fail? We know they did, we have the ruins to prove it. Why did these civilizations not survive? We have been taught that all life evolved from simple one cell animals that became two cells and then multi-celled animals and plants, and eventually over millions of years apes evolved and then we evolved from apes. Where is the proof of that theory? I know you will say the fossil record proves it. But does it really, and where did the first single cell animals come from? Science fiction will tell you that aliens from outer space seeded the earth. Really, for what purpose? When I plant a seed, I expect a harvest.

What is truth? Now science is trying to develop artificial intelligence. Why? We can’t properly use the intelligence we now have. If we used the intelligence we possess, working together, we could end homelessness, poverty, cancer, starvation, drinking water shortages, unemployment, welfare, warfare, abortions, pollution, dictatorships, terrorism, school and public shootings. The list could go on and on never ending. And racial hatred, I believe we are all the human race, we are just different skin tones, we all started at the same place. We all have our faults and weaknesses. So where do we find truth and what are the real problems in the world? The media will tell you, the politicians, government, big business and science will tell you and so will cable television, but what is truth and what is a lie, and how do we tell the difference?

When this country was founded it was based on values found in the Bible, both Old and New Testaments. That is a fact that can be verified if you do the research. You may not like it and you may not believe it, but before you disavow it, research it. Then you can chose wisely and benefit from it and reap the rewards or you can choose to ignore the truth. You have been given the freedom to choose. Today there are people that are trying to change our history and the freedoms that have been granted us by the choices that the founders of our country made to benefit us. the United States of America has been a great country in the past but we are giving that up by the choices that we make. Someone once stated that great civilizations begin their destruction from within. That allows the destruction from outside sources to finish the process of destruction.

The Bible tells us that when nations turn away from God then He removes His protection from that nation. Look at the history of Israel. Our nation has been turning away from God for many years now. At times God has removed His protection from our nation and allowed outside sources to attack our nation. Think about Pearl Harbor and the 9/11 2001 attack on New York City.

I believe the truth is to be found in the Word of God written in the Bible. That is my choice, you can make your own. We will all live or die by the choices we make. God says that He will judge individuals as well as the nations. God gives us many warnings before our final judgment, whether that is a judgment on an individual or a nation. We as individuals and nations can choose to turn our backs on God, or pretend God doesn’t exist, or that He loves us so much that He won’t judge or discipline us. But the truth will still be true no matter what you choose to believe or act upon.

The most important thing that I saw and learned on my trip was that there have been many advanced civilizations in the past that have failed. I believe they failed because of choices their individual citizens made, and their governments and then the nations as a whole made. They all chose to turn away from God.

Our nation is turning away from God, but it started with individuals choosing to turn away from God. I cannot tell you what the final outcome will be for our nation but God knows. But I can predict that if our nation continues in the way that our leaders have chosen and there is no turning back (repentance) the outcome for us as a nation and as individuals will not be good.

Oh and it is not just our nation, all nations are to be judged for their actions or lack of actions. This applies to every individual also.

So I leave you with this from now on, what choices will you make?

Joshua 24:15- …”as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

John 3:16- “For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.”

John 14:6- “Jesus said to him,”I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.”

I am seeking God’s direction as to whether or not to continue teaching the classes I offer. If I do continue there will be an emphasis on God, our creator and our choices and how we tend the world we live on, and how we care for  and use the resources. We are to be caretakers not abusers, not just of our world and its resources, but of our fellow humans. When I stand before God to be judged I hope He will tell me, well done good and faithful servant, enter into a place reserved for you. I don’t want to be told to depart from Him because He never knew me. My choices will determine the outcome. Our only hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ. This belief does not mean we have a Bible study in the woods or that any of my classes push religion of any kind. I know many people find any mention of God or religion offensive or convicting so I won’t go there, but I will not deny my own beliefs either. My goal has always been to teach people how to survive the circumstances that they find themselves in whether it be a wilderness survival situation or surviving a natural or man made or terrorist caused disaster.

Survival without Power

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Survival isn’t just for the wilderness. How would you survive if you or your area had no electricity for a month to a year? Plan accordingly.

What tracks are these?

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We know what these tracks are, we found them this past weekend where we teach our classes. Do you know what these tracks are? Size help- the knife is 3 1/2 inches long.284 288 327

Book Recommendation

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Winter is a great time to read and here is a book I recommend that will give you lots of valuable information about the area you live in and the pros and cons for living there. the title of the book is “Strategic Relocation North American Guide to Safe Places” by Joel M. Skousen and Andrew Skousen

Let me know what you think about the book!

Into the Wild

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This was a title of a book written by Jon Krakauer in 1997. It came out as a movie in 2007. These renditions were based on the true story of Christopher Johnson McCandles. There was another book and a documentary that was titled Grizzlie Man which was based on a true story about Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend. Both of these men went into the wilderness with a goal set in their minds. Neither one lived through their misadventures and neither one was prepared to undertake what they chose to do.

Many people go into wilderness areas every year and the greatest majority return to happily tell of their experiences. This summer my wife and I took a three-week vacation and explored some of the wilderness areas of Montana and Oregon. We both had an enjoyable time and we came back refreshed and loaded down with lots of photos. I’m sure glad we now have a digital camera otherwise I would be in debt for film processing.

Everywhere that we went in Montana we were warned about grizzly bears and were advised to not hike without bear spray. In Oregon it was black widow spiders and rattlesnakes that we had to be careful of. Back in 2011 in Olympia National Park, a man was killed by a mountain goat while hiking with two women.

We know the dangers are out there, but we still choose to go. My wife and I went through John Day Fossil beds in Oregon and we had a memorable time and we did see two rattlesnakes. There was one spot in the Clarno unit of the John Day  fossil beds which is west of the town of Fossil, Oregon. We had hiked up the trail past the signs warning  us of ticks and rattlesnakes and we had one of the best times of our lives. It was late in the day and it was amazingly quiet. The only sound was the breeze sighing through the pines and the rock formations. The only other sounds were occasional crickets singing in the sparse grass. It was great, not one man made sound could be heard the whole time we were on the hike.

We went in spite of the known dangers, and we were prepared to face them. Because we went we learned many things and we came back refreshed and eagerly awaiting the next chance to go off into the wild. Every time I go into the wild I go to learn something, and when I go, I take with  me my knowledge and my awareness and a good supply of caution. I always come back refreshed, and with a greater awareness and store of new knowledge. Then I share the knowledge with whoever is willing to learn. This is why I teach survival and nature classes.

Why do you go into the wild?

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